Friday, November 7, 2008


Our trip to Asiago started at the restraunt that serves the BEST calzones in Italy. We have a lasting memory from the first time we went there. It all started when Kirra spilled a little bit of her Sprite on the table, and my frustrated Chad commented "we can't take you kids anywhere"! It sounded a lot like something my Dad would say. But Chads luck... moments after he got Kirra's mess cleaned up. He bumped his own glass with his elbow, and Coke went EVERYWHERE! My sweet little Kirra pipes up... Daddy, Maybe YOU need a sippy cup! I laughed so hard that I cried! She was a pretty witty 3 year old!
After our lunch we headed over to the Ice Rink- Everyone had a blast! It was great to watch the kids figuring it out. They all did SO good... and I didn't hear anyone complain (until it was time to go home). I was a bit worried about Kirra- she did not want ANY help and fell down every two seconds. Still, she had a smile on her face the WHOLE time! My biggest fear for Christian was that he'd have bruises on his arms from Chad and I holding him up. We finished with a cup of Hot Chocolate :) The only thing that went wrong....all of my pictures from the day was deleted off of my camera :( Lucky for me it was just the ones I had taken that day! I stole this picture from Dave.... Kirra cracks me up!!


Lexi said...

This is a great picture! I wish we could have made it :(